
Would you like to lose weight by burning more calories?

The sugars and fats in our diet are sources of energy for our body. However, their intake must be controlled!

Weight gain can be explained by genetics, overeating, a sedentary lifestyle, but also by endocrine disorders, psychological problems or even by taking medication. All of these factors make it particularly difficult to manage weight loss over the long term.

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MaxiVits MaxiVits 2
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Vitamins & Minerals


Your Daily Multivitamin Poor health, getting back into shape? Maxivits is a generalist food supplement balanced with essential vitamins and minerals combined with numerous natural carotenoids and flavonoids.
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Diarrhoea, consipation? Psyllium Max, rich in psyllium husks, contains no gluten, wheat or phytate and is not irritating to the digestive mucosa.
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Bioavailable Magnesium: Boost Your Energy Stressed, tired, anxious? It's not easy to find the right magnesium for you! Magnevits is a food supplement that offers 3 bioavailable magnesium salts combined with all the B vitamins and taurine.
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Specific complex


Support your Natural Detox Detox cure, liver drainage? Detoxivits contain several micronutrients and phytonutrients that participate in phases I and II of liver detoxification and activate phase III via several toxin elimination actions.
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Overcome weight gain with micronutrients!

There are solutions. Among them, fat burners such as bladderwrack or green tea promote lipolysis, i.e. the reduction of fat reserves in the adipocytes generated by an excessively rich food intake or in the event of excessive sedentary behaviour.

In addition, it is important to drain your body in order to eliminate the formation of waste, excess water and thus avoid its clogging. Therefore, certain draining, detoxifying and disinfiltrating active ingredients (ortosiphon, dandelion) will have a positive effect on the body's well-being.

This drainage also has an effect on other physiological aspects of the body (skin, mood). Finally, in contrast to strict diets based on food bans it is essential to have a positive approach to the "slimming diet" by favouring physical activity as much as possible. physical activity.

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