Circulation & Heart

How can we maintain a healthy heart and blood circulation?

The transport of blood and oxygen to all the organs of our body is done thanks to a muscular pump, the heart, and a network of conduits: the arteries. Poor cardiovascular health leads to poor blood flow to the organs, including the brain, and results in reduced physical and intellectual performance.

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Amino acids


Sportsman, decline in endurance? This food supplement provides an optmial intake of 500mg of bioavailable L-arginine.
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Blood circulation problems? This garlic, mistletoe and hawthorn macerate supplement is available in an oily capsule.
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What are the risk factors for cardiovascular disease

  • Smoking narrows the arteries.
  • High cholesterol levels. Bad' cholesterol (LDL) sticks to the walls of the blood vessels, preventing blood from flowing freely to the heart.
  • High blood pressure.
  • A sedentary lifestyle. Regular physical activity can be effective in to prevent and limit the effects of cardiovascular disorders.

Ask your doctor for advice on your blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

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